Friday 3 June 2022

 Pollinators part five. The flowers of Geranium x oxonianum are intricately veined shades of salmon pink. As noted in my previous entry they are prolific in the garden at the moment. That's great for honey bees, by which I mean Apis mellifera.

 This is the bee we get our honey and beeswax from from. Apis mellifera was domesticated thousands of years ago- it's a moot point whether it still exists as a wild species. Bees are kept the world over and urban beekeeping is widespread. I'm aware of at least half a dozen hives within a mile of the garden.

 Bumblebees will mix and match flowers of different species as they forage but honey bees concentrate on working a single species flowering en masse. So this pink haze of G. x oxonianum is perfect for them.