Wednesday 29 June 2022

 This Ginko Tree (Ginkgo biloba) was planted a few years ago, one of a number of street trees purchased from donations during the local Open Gardens weekend. 

 The square of bare earth in the concrete where the tree stands has been colonised by Red Valerian (Ceranthus ruber) and Purple Toadflax (Linaria purpurea) to very flowery effect.

 About twenty feet away stood a cherry tree which had been dead for some time. Beneath this tree several Echium wildpretii established themselves and should throw up their giant spikes of flowers next year. I assumed the cherry tree would be removed by the council at some point and the Echiums grubbed up with it. The other day the tree surgeons arrived and carefully cut down the cherry a couple of feet above the ground leaving the Echiums completely undamaged. A neat piece of work so well done them.
 Postscript 1/07/22 I spoke too soon. The cherry stump has since been ground out destroying the Echiums in the process then the bare earth tarmacked over.