Saturday 30 June 2018

 A good harvest on the allotment: of Comfrey. I mentioned in a previous entry (27th. May) that there are big clumps of it on the allotment. It flowers heavily in late spring/early summer (mobbed by bees). Now the flowers have faded the foliage can be put to good use to fertilise the soil.
 Comfrey is rich in nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Some gardeners steep the leaves in water to make Comfrey tea. Others chop and drop i.e. spread it around as a mulch. I was intending to do the latter but since we are experiencing a drought I think it would just dry out and shrivel up. So I mixed the cuttings with some well rotted horse manure and I will use this as a composted mulch later in the season.
 And speaking of harvests I plucked some raspberries, redcurrants and gooseberries; also a few radishes, onions and shallots.