Friday 2 June 2017

 Free plants, part two. As referred to a few days ago there are beautiful plants that show up and do their thing at no expense to the gardener. Above are some good examples.
 I trained a bramble (Rubus fruticosus) to climb along the fence. Lots of flowers, lots of bees, handfuls of blackberries later in the season. What's not to like?
 In front of it are spires of Purple Toadflax (Linaria purpurea), a vigorous self seeder from the Mediterranean that shoots up all over town in sunny spots. Also several of our native Foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea) which I grew in pots with seed from last year's Foxgloves.
 The aforementioned Campanula poscharkskyana covers the ground with greenery and myriad blue flowers. Cheerful yellow Buttercups (Ranunculus species) pop up here and there- another "weed" that some gardeners love to eradicate. Why?!
 To the left of the photo two stems of Campanula pyramidalis are rising upwards; aptly named the Chimney Bellflower they will soon reach a height of 5 or 6 feet and be covered in white flowers. I must confess I did buy this. £1.99 for a small pot last year- money well spent!
 All of the above are manna from heaven where bees are concerned. They don't really care whether the flowers they like are expensive or not.