Monday 27 February 2023

 These look to be our native Wild Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus). I saw them growing on Saturday in a small nature reserve in Hertfordshire that used to be the garden of a cottage. It was a ruin when I was a child then knocked down. Drifts of Snowdrops have been flowering there for several weeks. [see entry dated 3rd. February].
 I assume the Snowdrops are a remnant of the cottage garden. Perhaps the Daffodils are too or perhaps they were planted there when it became a nature reserve. The distribution of N. pseudonarcissus around the Britsh Isles is a subject of conjecture. It proliferates in some areas yet not in others where conditions should suit it. Obviously habitat loss is a factor.
 Old and abandoned country gardens are sometimes a haven for species that have become eradicated in the surrounding countryside. Wild Daffodils seem to be absent in this part of the world so I like to think these are a survival from earlier times. Then again maybe they are a more recent addition. Either way it's good to see them.