Wednesday 15 February 2023

 Westward ho! to Knocking Hoe. Well, west(ish) of Hitchin and it was a fine, springlike day for a walk. Middle of February is a bit early to be quite so springlike but at least we had some proper cold spells before and after Christmas.
 I walked from the village of Pirton up past Knocking Hoe and on to the Pegsden Hills then back much the same way. On the return leg I saw three -possibly four- birds of prey swooping and swerving over the knolls of Knocking, Red Kites I think. It's quite common to see a Red Kite patrolling an area of land and sky but I don't recall seeing groups of them before.  
 They seemed to be wheeling and diving at each other. Perhaps they were courting or fighting for territory or both or perhaps they were just full of the joys of spring.