Monday 9 November 2020

 A lasagna mulch alternates layers of cardboard with organic matter. This bed had become carpeted with ivy which I dug out. I then laid down a double thickness of brown cardboard recycled from various deliveries. As I have noted previously this makes for a surprisingly long lasting and effective weed suppressant.
 I weighted it down with semi-rotten wood and covered it with fallen leaves. Then added another layer of cardboard with more wood and leaves. As this combination decomposes by fungal action it will merge with (and improve) the structure and biology of the soil.
 In fact leaf mold is not high in nutrients. Commercially produced fertlisers in solid or liquid form are one way of adding NPK (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium). Alternatively there is a source of well balanced NPK that costs nothing. Yes, I am referring to urine!