Thursday 4 June 2020

 I mentioned Honey Garlic (Nectaroscordum siculum) in a recent entry [24th. May]. It blooms with a cluster of drooping bell shaped flowers that buzz with with bumblebees. When they have been pollinated the bells become pyramid shaped seed heads which raise themselves up to point to the sky.
 Speaking of bees they are loving the Sage (Salvia officinalis) on the allotment. One of the many things I appreciate about the allotment is the opportunity to grow sun loving plants. The garden is semi-shady all year round and gets shadier as the deciduous trees and shrubs come into leaf. This has led me to seek out species like Honey Garlic which tolerates a bit of shade (though not deep shade). Sage on the other hand is a classic Mediterranean herb. It doesn't need much watering much but it must have sun.