Friday 12 June 2020

 A good sweep up is a satisfying task in the garden from time to time...

 A new(ish) broom swept clean the crazy paving at my father's house. As I did so a young Thrush flitted around me pecking hungrily at tasty morsels exposed by the disturbance. Activity in the garden invariably attracts the attention of birds in search of food. 

 Sometimes though the best thing to do for wildlife is do nothing. I was contemplating clearing out this neglected corner when I noticed bumblebees coming and going at regular intervals so there is a nest in there somewhere. Also there are hedgehogs in this garden; I have heard snuffling noises in the undergrowth around the patio when it gets dark. A few months ago I stepped out of the kitchen late one evening and a hedgehog was slurping rather noisily on the water in the cat bowl.