Sunday 5 April 2020

 Green shoots. I sowed some Broad Beans (Vicia faba) in pots a few weeks ago -a Victorian variety called Bunyards Exhibition which has stood the test time. Mr. Bunyard's Exhibition (to give its full title) was introduced circa 1835. I wonder who Mr. Bunyard was?
 The mild spring days have slowly warmed the moist compost awaking each bean from dormancy. Below the surface the hard shell will have split and the beginnings of the stem are unfurling and reaching for the sun. This variety grows to be about 4 feet/120cm tall.
 I'll let them grow a bit taller and stronger in the pots then plant them out as the first row on the allotment. In the meanwhile I have sowed some more pots which will form the second row. Planting in succession extends the harvest over a longer period. I'll aim for three rows, about 30 plants in total.