Saturday 11 April 2020

 The garden is looking lovely. April sees a mass of blooms and everything knits together. The Lilac is in full flower...

 There are numerous selections and cultivars derived from the Syringa genus. This one was here when I moved in, not sure which it is. In fact it barely flowered until some tree felling in adjacent gardens a couple of years ago- the extra light has made a big difference.

 A carpet of Greater Stitchwort (Stellaria holostea) illuminates the ground around the Lilac. One of my favourite wildflowers, its natural habitat is the part sun/part shade environs of the hedgerow or woodland edge.
 Effectively this garden corresponds to the conditions of the woodland edge. Like many town gardens it is shaded by surrounding trees and buildings. It gets a blast of sun from mid-morning to late afternoon which suits a plant like S. holostea. I planted a few sprigs of it a number of years ago and it has run rampant.