Thursday 22 August 2019

 Tahoe trails part 7. I camped at Dardenelles Lake for three nights [see part 5] which gave me the opportunity to do a couple of day hikes without lugging all my gear. On day 6 of my expedition I walked down the steep and rocky Lake Valley Trail (and back up again). This was a shady, forested trail for the most part which opened up to some very scenic vistas looking towards Lake Tahoe itself (and the first time I had a glimmer of a phone signal since setting off!).
 On day 7 I hiked out to Scott's Lake and back. As I have mentioned previously the Meiss Meadows are known for their waist-high wildflowers in summer but due to the severe winter and heavy snowfall their peak flowering was still a week or two away when I saw them. The trail to Scott's Lake is the best part of a thousand feet lower (approx. 7000 feet above sea level) and here the wildflowers were in full bloom and they were indeed waist high.