Sunday 11 August 2019

 Tahoe trails part 3. Snow capped peaks, wildflowers and the trail- as I sift through the photos I took on my recent trip this one seems particularly evocative.
 The exceptional winter in the Sierras meant there was still a lot of snow in places and the snow melt is followed by an eruption of wildflowers. Lupins and Woolly Mule's Ears were the most prolific species in bloom (often growing together as seen above).
 The trail in the picture is the Pacific Crest Trail looking south towards Carson Pass. If you walk about 1100 miles in that direction you arrive at Campo on the Mexico border. If you head north for around 1500 miles you get to the Canadian border.
 This is my fourth substantial hike in the States and I've met quite a few 'thru-hikers' on my travels. Perhaps one day I might be able to set aside four or five months to do the whole thing but until then the PCT has proved to be a good way to get to the middle of nowhere in search of wildflowers and far horizons.