Monday 25 March 2019

 And speaking of the allotment (see previous entry) I also created a new bed between the fruit bushes. Last year I laid down some landscaping fabric to suppress the rampant couch grass.

 Even Charles Dowding the guru of no-dig advocates removing couch grass before commencing a no-dig system. I did indeed dig the strip over and pulled out some pretty healthy couch roots despite being covered for quite some time.

 I didn't want to crowd the fruit bushes by planting anything too substantial; the thought occurred to me that it would perfect for a bed of strawberries. I already had a number of strawberry plants here and there on the allotment so I lifted and consolidated them in the new bed.
 These are several varieties I bought last spring and I've forgotten what they are! I created a couple of mini paths across the bed with strips of willow edging laid flat- a purchase from my local poundstore because thrifty gardening is good gardening...