Tuesday 29 May 2018

 Foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea) are growing more vigorously around the garden than in previous years. I ascribe this to the fact that next door had an evergreen Holm Oak removed earlier in the year which has allowed more ambient light in.
 Foxgloves are biennial and every year I gather their seed and grow a new "crop". I'll be interested to see if they start self seeding now they seem to find the conditions more favourable.
 The classic Foxglove has flowers of rich red/purple hues but there is a white flowered form I have grown before and I suspect that they have intermingled courtesy of the bees. Several I planted out this time round have flowered in pinkish tones as though white has been suffused and stained with red.
 Looking closely at the flowers the speckled markings to tempt/guide bees in are very noticeable...