Sunday 22 May 2022

 The wildflower patch on the allotment is blooming. I planted a selection of bare root plants a few years ago which I thought might suit the conditions, also sowed an assortment of seeds. [NB see entry dated 10th. May for my thoughts on establishing meadows from seed]
 My hope was that at least some of them would find their niche and start to spread. All the bare root plants have done well including Field Scabious and Dame's Violet as seen above. Some (though not all) of the species I seeded have established themselves e.g. Red Campion. 
 I was intending to go to Myddleton House in Enfield today for a plant sale and to have a wander through the grounds. Unfortunately I didn't get round to it what with one thing and another but I've got plenty of plants to look at already! 
 Myddleton House was the home of the renowned botanist and horticulturalist E.A. Bowles. We still grow plants he cultivated like Vinca minor 'Bowle's Blue' and Erysimum 'Bowle's Mauve'. Apparently he was particularly fond of flowers of those hues so I'm sure he appreciated our native Field Scabious...