Sunday 15 May 2022


  I went to not one but two plant sales yesterday. For the discerning plant hunter they are way better than the typical garden centre. Better quality, better value and a better selection.
 In the morning I went to the annual sale at the wonderful South London Botanical Institute. Very hardy plants raised on the premises or in members' gardens. In the afternoon I went to the Plant Fairs Roadshow- a gathering of specialist nurseries which rolls up every year in my neighbourhood hall. Actually both had to take a couple of years out with the pandemic so it's great they're back. For all you plant lovers out there I picked up the following...
 From the SLBI I got Eupatorium cannabinum, Rubus tricolor, Valeriana officinalis, several Geranium nodosum and an Oxalis, species unknown.
 At the Roadshow I got Galega officinalis, Geranium macrorrhizum 'Album' and 'Spessart', Cardamine macrophylla, Geranium phaeum 'Album', Lamium orvala and Astrantia major 'Superstar'. All but the first I got from Pineview Plants. In fact I contacted them in advance to place an order and picked them up on the day.
 I'm hoping to make it to the next stop on the Roadshow which is May 22nd. at Myddleton House in Enfield. Firstly I have to satisfy my craving for plants (the first step is admitting you've got a problem). Secondly, Myddleton House was the home of the great botanist and horticulturalist E.A. Bowles and still has extensive gardens based on his work and ideas.