Wednesday 2 March 2022


 "Tommies" (Crocus tommassinianus) are sometimes called the Early Crocus and sometimes the Woodland Crocus. Both names are apt: they begin to flower in February and do well in dappled shade when the trees are bare. They need some winter sun for the petals to open wide and reveal the golden orange stigma and anthers dusted with pollen. The straight species (my favourite) has a shimmering silvery-violet hue.

There are other forms with deeper, darker colours like 'Roseus', 'Whitewell Purple', 'Lilac Beauty' and 'Ruby Giant' (shown above- in fact it isn't ruby or giant!).


 There is also a pure white form. All are variations of the same species but they don't necessarily emerge simultaneously. I have a considerable number of the straight species and 'Ruby Giant'. They overlap but the lighter flowers appear first and the darker a week or two later- I wonder why that is? It's quite useful because it makes for a longer flowering period overall.