Thursday 24 March 2022

 White Comfrey (Symphytum orientale) is worthy of a place in any garden and it's very easy to propagate by root division. I was intending to divide this clump on the allotment but it's already bushy and coming into flower. This is a sunny spot; nearby however there are several in shade which are just becoming leafy so I used one of these instead.
 NB S. orientale flourishes in both sun and partial shade, even quite deep shade. In sun it grows quicker, flowers sooner and is more flowery. In shade the growth is a bit later and the flowers less prolific but they often last longer. I observe this pattern in other plants that are that are adaptable to varying light conditions.  

 The one is starting to clump up with a distinct offshoot from the main root which I sliced off with a spade and planted up elsewhere the same day. It should grow quite rapidly and flower this season forming another clump in due course.