Saturday 12 February 2022

Shades of green coming to life.

 NB Regular readers of this diary will notice that I have altered the presentation of the archive section in the side column. In fact the Blogger platform has decided for some reason to deactivate the option of listing posts with a snippet of text from the first line of each post. [CORRECTION 15/02/22 Happy to say Blogger has restored my preferred format of listing posts with text!]
 Every month of every year can be clicked on for seasonal interest. Alternatively the search feature can be used to research a particular plant or topic that might be in the diary. There are nearly a thousand entries so far so hopefully there's something relevant! 
 I have also added my e-mail address to the header of the side column in addition to its place on the 'View my complete profile' page. Feel free to contact me with any comments, questions etc.