Monday 13 December 2021

 A mini dead hedge to fill the gap between an ancient fence panel and a new fence put up recently by my father's neighbour. Seemed like a good opportunity to make use of some of the stems and branches I've accumulated lately during pruning.
 Dead hedges are basically a linear pile to define a boundary. Simpler than building a wall or erecting a fence, quicker than planting an actual hedge. Some are elaborately layered, others pretty basic like this one. 
 As it happens I had a mass of Hawthorn from an adjacent (living) hedge that I pruned a few weeks ago [see entry dated 10th. November]. Security isn't an issue here but Hawthorn is viciously prickly alive or dead. I wove some long thin Fig Tree branches -which are quite flexible and whippy- along the length of the hedge and used some shorter thicker ones as uprights. 
 Nature loves piles of green and brown stuff. Dead hedging functions as a form of habitat creation. I'll add to this one as and when I gather more material.