Monday 10 May 2021


 Getting an unexpectedly good crop of Rhubarb from the allotment. I say unexpected because Rhubarb likes a rich, moist soil which the allotment is not. In fact I almost dug up and discarded the crowns last autumn because the results had been disappointing. Now I'm glad I didn't.
 Perhaps the crowns took a few years to bed in? Perhaps the soil has improved sufficiently with the addition of leaf mulch and wood chip? Perhaps it was the wet winter? Anyway, something has made the difference and I harvested an armful with several more to come by the look of it. NB needless to say the leaves will be discarded as they contain high concentrations of oxalic acid which is toxic to humans.
 I love Rhubarb though not everyone would agree with me. It has a tart, astringent almost sour taste which is perhaps untypical of the Western palate. We have a preference for sweet and savoury in our cuisine but not sour. That doesn't matter- all the more Rhubarb for me!