Sunday 16 August 2020

 A project for the months ahead: to renovate this border at my father's house as a nursery bed for various shade loving plants. I'll aim to propagate them myself as much as possible plus buy any that fit the bill as and when I see them.

 Case in point I picked these up at a local car boot sale. Three Wood Spurge (Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae) and three little Bugles (Ajuga reptans) which look to be the wild species rather than one of the cultivars. Also a very healthy looking Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) which I'll take to the allotment.
 I always keep an eye out for home grown plants at such events. Inevitably some are a bit scraggy and scrawny but it's often possible to spot a good 'un in which case they tend to be more robust than the garden centre equivalent. And cheaper too- these came to £10.50 in total for 7 plants!