Monday 24 August 2020

 Phacelia, Nasturtiums and Borage grow like mad on the allotment and I intend to make use of that quality in terms of how I approach things in the year ahead. Taking stock of what has done well this year and what hasn't it's very obvious that plants liking dry soil soil low in humus do just fine (Mediterranean herbs for example). On the other hand plants that crave a rich moist soil (e.g. Rhubarb) do not prosper.
 So I'll apply the "right plant, right place" ethos to growing edibles. My plan is to use the aforementioned Phacelia, Nasturtiums and Borage as a groundcover across most if not all of the beds- they're self seeding freely anyway. I'll plant mainly perennials and let those annuals fill in the gaps. As the perennials grow and new ones are added I can thin out the groundcover accordingly.
 Another strategy would be to buy a ton of compost, water constantly and wage a ceaseless war on weeds. In this way I might achieve a rectangle of bare earth intersected with neat rows of veg but to be honest that's not really what I want.