Tuesday 15 October 2019

 I wrote about giant Echiums in my last entry- as noted Echium pininana are naturalising in London and elsewhere. The Echium shown above is in my front garden. This species also hails from the Canary Islands but this is Echium wildpretii. It forms a spike of bright red flowers metres high and is sometimes called Tower of Jewels.
 Unlike E. pininana it has yet to naturalise anywhere in the UK (as far as I know). This example was given to me by one of the gardeners at the South London Botanical Institute who grew it on from seed in a small pot. This is the second year of growth and I hope it will reach full height and flower next year if it makes it through the winter.
 By a process of natural selection E. pininana is becoming hardy in UK conditions but I don't know if the same can be said of E. wildpretii as yet.