Saturday 14 September 2019

 Tahoe wildflowers: Indian Paintbrush. The Americas have around 200 species of the Castilleja genus which have the colloquial name of Indian Paintbrush. Most have flowers with fiery red hues of varying tone and certain variations in leaf form. I saw the above for example within a mile or two of each other and there is a noticeable difference in the flower heads: one bright orange, the other deep burgundy.
 Even so I look in my reference books and in many cases find it hard to tell one from another. Needless to say they all have their given name in botanical Latin but the common names give a sense of their differences and distribution. Such as: Wavy Leaf Indian Paintbrush, Seashore Indian Paintbrush, Cobwebby Indian Paintbrush, Desert Indian Paintbrush, Scarlet Indian Paintbrush, Harsh Indian Paintbrush, Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush, Wyoming Indian Paintbrush, Suksdorf's Indian Paintbrush, Sierra Woolly Indian Paintbrush... and dozens more!