Saturday 23 March 2024

 It seems like the shed on the allotment may have visitors. Well, I call it the shed but in size it's more like an outdoor cupboard. In fact I don't keep much in there but today I opened the door to get a trowel and noticed was a nest inside. I'm sure it wasn't there before; nesting season is already underway with the mild spring we're having.

 Needless to say the door is kept shut but this dangling bit of slat creates an opening.

 I took a quick pic, not very distinct in the low light but I wanted to close the door as quickly as possible so as not to disturb. A beautifully smooth and rounded bowl has been formed within a mass of dry leaves and stems on top of an old packing crate.
 No eggs yet and no sign of a bird. A pair of Robins were very active around the allotment as I was digging earlier, perhaps it's theirs? Robins are known for liking open fronted nests (which this is in a way) and they sometimes nest close to the ground which seems like a risky strategy. 
 There was a Robin's nest in the garden shed of a friend of mine a few years ago. Low enough unfortunately for a local cat to get in and do what cats do. The opening in this shed is small so should be reasonably secure.
 I hope I haven't scared the new occupants away; I'll keep the door closed and see what happens. It's a small shed but a large nesting box (hopefully).