Monday 9 January 2023


 It was about this time six years ago that I was preparing to publish the blog. The first entry went out on January 21st. 2017 noting that Helleborus foetidus was the first plant to flower in the garden. The next entry was on February 7th. observing the arrival of an early bee on the Snowdrops. Followed on February 8th. by a reminiscence of visiting Wistman's Wood on Dartmoor. 
 In the weeks that followed I posted entries on subjects such as the ancient Ankerwicke Yew and seeking out Butcher's Broom in Epping Forest. I wrote about a patch of Winter Aconites in Hertfordshire and various plants in the garden. In retrospect I see that many of the themes in this diary were present at the outset.
 I started at the start of the year with the idea that I would describe my back garden over the course of four seasons along with some notes on seeing wildflowers in their natural habitats. My interests informed the blog but then again doing the blog deepened my interests.
 I wrote in the spirit of "Dear diary" as though addressing an imaginary reader. As time went on I became aware that I was addressing some actual readers. Some are people I know, some are people I've never met. If you're reading this now: hello!
 I don't really consider myself to be an aficionado of "social media". Nonetheless blogging has provided me with an ideal medium for spontaneous expression. The diary is neither an academic treatise on botany nor a portfolio of photography. Having said that I try to be accurate where I touch on the natural sciences and I like to think that some of the photographs have merit. 
 As it is first and foremost a diary I can go into detail or mention things in passing as the mood takes me. And depending how much time I have on my hands!