Saturday 27 August 2022

 This heap is the bed of Borage on the allotment cut down to the ground. It flowered magnificently for several months attracting a constant traffic of bees. [see entry dated 20th. June]
 Borago officinalis is an annual (though occasionally it overwinters). This locale obviously suits because it grows prolifically as a result of self-seeding.
 I'll leave this pile to compost itself into a mulch. Borage is not usually spoken of as a "green manure" but it creates so much biomass here that I think it fulfils that purpose.
 The next allotment was taken on by a family recently. Fair play to them they are really going for it by creating raised beds and buying large quantities of compost and wood chip. That will certainly pay dividends particularly when growing annual vegetables.
 Then again it is possible to increase the levels of humus in the soil at little or no expense with the green manure approach.