Sunday 10 July 2022



 A day at the seaside- and a rare plant. In the UK Hog Fennel (Peucedanum officinale) is found in only a few locations on the coasts of Kent and Essex. The colony at Tankerton Slopes near Whitstable is said to be the largest. I was visiting a friend who lives nearby so I took a stroll along the prom, prom, prom to have a look.  
 Back in the seventeenth century the herbalist Culpepper noted that "It grows plentifully in the salt low marshes near Faversham in Kent." That's only a few miles from Tankerton but seems to have declined or disappeared in that locale since Culpepper's day.
 Amazingly there is a moth -Fisher's Esturine Moth- which feeds exclusively on Hog Fennel so must be extremely scarce too.