Saturday 29 January 2022

 Snowdrops and Winter Aconites in flower. Round about this time of year I always take a walk from Hitchin to the nearby village of Charlton. There is a small nature reserve where a cottage once stood with many clumps of Snowdrops, probably a relic of the cottage garden. I imagine they have increased and naturalised over time. 

 Not far from the Snowdrops is a bank gleaming with Winter Aconites. I should think these too were a garden planting that has spread considerably. The day was mild and sunny- I noticed a small bee making its way around them.
 Further down the road I was looking at some more Snowdrops and another walker remarked on them as she was passing. I mentioned that I walk out here every year to see the Snowdrops and Aconites and she said that she does the same! She also said that Winter Aconites are sometimes known as "Choirboys". I can see that: the ruff of green bracts topped by a yellow flower wide open does indeed seem like nature is bursting into song.