Thursday 4 November 2021

 Seek and ye shall find! This bag packed with Iris foetidissima came courtesy of my flatmate through a curious bit of serendipity. I was pottering around in the garden and noted a few bare spots which are very shady where not much will grow.
 I. foetidissima is tough as old boots and will grow anywhere including the deepest shade. I already have it in various places around the garden: the fronds are evergreen, the flowers in early summer are exquisite (though tiny) and the crimson berries add a splash of colour through autumn into winter. So I thought to myself: more of the same would be ideal to fill those gaps.
 Shortly afterwards I was chatting with my flatmate. He mentioned in passing that he had just dug up clumps of this very plant in a local garden that went into their green waste bin!