Saturday 21 August 2021


 Compost bin mark 3. I mentioned a while ago that I modified a 'Dalek' style plastic bin. I wrapped insulation material around it then put a slightly larger bin over it to create a rudimentary double walled 'hot box' composter. [see entry dated 24th. March 2021] 
 'Hot' might be an exaggeration, it's probably just a bit warmer. Unfortunately it eventually attracted the attention of a local rat so I've tried a further modification with the addition of a wire mesh base.


 I think chicken wire might not be up to the task- rats have got strong teeth! I remembered I had some heavy duty mesh that's intended as a metal lath for plastering. It wasn't wide enough so I stitched two lengths together with garden wire.

 After standing the bin the right way up I folded the excess round the sides to make a 'skirt' of mesh. Hopefully it will now be rat proof but time will tell... 
 A solid base would be another option e.g. a concrete slab. Mesh is preferable however because it allows the biology of the soil to start interacting with the organic matter. All those lovely organisms can get straight to work.