Wednesday 28 July 2021


 In the interests of vérité I must report setbacks as well as successes. The Runner Beans have not prospered on the allotment. In fact I wasn't going to plant any because they need a rich moist soil (which the allotment is not) but I had some beans from last year so I gave them a go.
 I planted a mix of Scarlet Emperor and a white flowered variety. All the whites got eaten by slugs or snails- perhaps they are more tender? Most of the Emperors started climbing but they're not looking like they'll be abundant.
 On the other hand the self-seeded Nasturtiums are providing a flourishing underplanting around the canes. Unlike beans Nasturtiums like a dry soil, low in humus and nutrients. I may plant Runners next year but if I do I'll heavily compost a circle of soil for a wigwam of Scarlet Emperor.