Sunday 28 March 2021


 Cultivating wildflowers can be a hit and miss affair as I alluded to in my last entry. Often the happiest results happen more by accident than design and do not necessarily involve "native" species. The photos above (taken in June 2018) show a couple of neglected and overgrown plots at the allotments.
 One had been colonised by Peach-leaved Bellflower (Campanula persicifolia) and the other by Fox and Cubs (Pilosella aurantica). Both are wildflowers of alpine regions in central and southern Europe which were introduced to the UK as garden plants. 
 Perhaps they self-seeded from somewhere nearby or perhaps a few of each had been planted for some flowers among the veg. Left to their own devices they became prolific- it seems the allotments reminded them of high mountain meadows!