Monday 2 March 2020

 There will be a Daffodil theme to some of this week's entries because quite a few are flowering in the garden at the moment. I generally prefer wild species to cultivars but Narcissus Tete-a-Tete is early, reliable and cheerful.

 Narcissus WP Milner is another cultivar, bred by one Henry Backhouse in the Victorian era. Various sources state that it appeared around 1869 which must make it one of the oldest "heirloom" varieties. The early hybrids often have a grace and simplicity that is lacking in some of the many that followed
 W.P. Milner looks rather like our native Wild Daffodil. In fact so much so that I hope I've made the correct ID, I can't actually remember which I planted in this spot! The petals are swept forward and almost hide the trumpet which is a characteristic of the Milner.