Monday 9 December 2019

 Thinking back to some of the walks I've done this year. The first was way back in January on "Our blunt, bow-headed, whale backed Downs" (to quote Kipling) when I headed for Wolstonbury Hill on the South Downs.

 In February and again in May I enrolled on Forest Gardening courses at the High Heathercombe Centre on the edge of Dartmoor which gave me the opportunity to walk out upon the moor itself.

 In April I took a train out to Wiltshire and hiked up onto the rolling chalk hills overlooking the Vale of Pewsey.

 Another walk up on the Downs, this time in June to Devil's Dyke.

 Also in June- a few days in Edale, including a hike up and over Kinder Scout.

 The big one. Ten days trekking in July on the Pacific Crest Trail and the Tahoe Rim Trail setting out from Lake Tahoe, California. Must get some winter walks in and hatch a few plans for next year...