Tuesday 21 May 2019

 Lamium orvala and Silene fimbriata always catch the eye of visitors to the garden. Lamiums like the White Dead-nettle (L. album) and Silenes like Red Campion (S. dioica) are widespread as common wildflowers. They're perfectly good as garden plants in my opinion and I made a point of introducing them to mine- they pop up in many gardens whether invited or not!
 L. orvala and S. fimbriata are rather unusual however. The former is native to central and eastern Europe and the latter to the Caucasus. Plant breeders have noted their distinctive appearance and started cultivating them in the UK. They flower happily in dry, shady areas in late spring/early summer which is always a tough spot to choose plants for.
 They're still not widely available and have been pioneered by some of the more specialised plant nurseries. These tend to be smaller but more innovative than those growing on an agricultural scale to supply garden centres and the horticultural trade.  I bought the ones above from Pineview Plants who are one of the mainstays of the Plant Fairs Roadshow which I mentioned in my last post.