Tuesday 19 February 2019

 I'm heading off to a course on Forest Gardening in Devon tomorrow so there won't be any entries till I'm back (Monday probably). Among the tutors is Aranya whose book 'Permaculture Design' (shown above) is a great primer on applying the principles of Permaculture to the process of designing gardens/environments. I did my PDC (Permaculture Design Certificate) on one of his intensive two week courses several years ago.
 The other book in the photo is 'Creating A Forest Garden'  by Martin Crawford. He will also be teaching and we will be visiting the wonderful two acre garden he has developed in the grounds of Dartington Hall near Totnes. Picture a walk through the woods with trees, shrubs, perennials, streams, glades. What makes it even more remarkable is that nearly every species is edible in some shape or form; a fascinating experiment in "permanent agriculture".
 The course is taking place at the High Heathercombe Centre, a Permaculture project located in a stretch of woodland on the eastern edge of Dartmoor. Needless to say I'm sure I'll be posting an entry or two about all this on my return.