Thursday 1 November 2018

 Some random happenings in the garden. I said farewell to summer on Sunday when the clocks changed but these Asters are hanging in there having seeded themselves in a crack in the paving stones by the front gate. I notice their petals are more serrated and of a paler mauve than the ones nearby they presumably seeded from.  

 It's getting to that time of year to fill up the bird feeders.

 Lungworts (Pulmonaria species) have delightful spring flowers in tones of pink that morph into blue. Their leaves are mottled in varying degrees so they stand out in winter borders in a modest sort of way. I've been growing several varieties in pots during the summer and I planted them this week in an area where there are a number already. Pulmonarias cross pollinate easily (they're a favourite of early bees) and the progeny have further variations of foliage and flower.

 Potting up, potting on and generally going a bit potty.