Friday 12 October 2018

 Allotment almanac, part 3. A very random selection of moments on the allotment last weekend. Like making smelly Comfrey Tea by putting the leaves in a bucket with a lid then steeping them in water. After a few weeks the resulting brew is very stinky indeed but makes a liquid fertilizer rich in NPK: nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium.

 Froggy was hiding in the Comfrey. Sorry Froggy. 

 The cane wig wams got blown over in high winds a couple of weeks ago but the Runner Beans seem happy to run sideways as well as up, they're still flowering and producing pods. The Nasturtiums at the base are also still flowering.

 Not many bumblebees around by this point in the year but honey bees and wasps were out in force on the flowers of the Ivy which grows thickly along the boundary fences.

 This neglected allotment has been colonised by fiery shades of the annual Calendula officinalis, presumably self-seeded from last year.

 The neighbours' allotment is mainly devoted to growing dye plants. For example there is a substantial patch with this vivid red flower. When they planted it from seedlings in the spring I recall it was referred to as Japanese Indigo. NB They publish a very informative blog on such matters called Nature's Rainbow.

 And finally a rare sighting of the ghost of the allotments. His apparition walks the paths on dark and stormy nights. Or perhaps it's just an old sheet on top of a rubbish heap.