Thursday, 6 March 2025

 Spot the Brimstone basking in the sun.

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

 The bees at Benslow were buzzing in the spring sunshine. Not in great numbers but a steady coming and going. I began seeing the occasional bumblebee about a week ago and today was warm enough for honey bees to emerge from their hives. Their flight muscles need temperatures above 10 °C and today was several degrees warmer than that. I also saw my first butterfly of the year- the yellow flutter of a Brimstone.

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

 The flowering of Daffodils and Snowdrops is overlapping this year. I think Snowdrops were a little late to flower during the cold spell and the early Daffs are coming on strong in the spring sunshine.

Monday, 3 March 2025


 "Tommies" (Crocus tommasinianus) are usually a feature of February's round up of plants in flower along with Snowdrops and Winter Aconites. I must have planted hundreds in my garden in London over the years.
 The flowering has been brief this year, wilting in the hard frosts. Those in pots and containers in sheltered spots seem to have fared a little better than naturalised in grass and borders. But they're tough and will be back next year.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

 Spring has sprung and bumblebees are starting to emerge. These are queens foraging for nectar before looking for nest sites. I formed the impression that last year was a bad one for bumblebees, particularly during the cold, damp spring. Research published recently by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust confirms that so here's hoping for more clement conditions in the weeks ahead.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

 Walking through the pine plantation on the north side of Wain Wood. I experienced the sensation of complete calm. Not a breath of wind; the very air was silent and still. Despite the chill I could feel the warmth of the spring sun.